6 Ways JIT Experts Has Supported Consumer Packaged Goods Businesses

6 Ways JIT Experts Has Supported Consumer Packaged Goods Businesses 2560 1626 JIT Experts Hive

When it comes to hiring an expert consultant, it can sometimes feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack. A needle serves a specific purpose, and hay won’t do as a replacement. In the end, it’s worth it to search long and hard to find what you’re looking for. 

You’re likely looking for one or more experts who have experience in your field and with the task you need accomplished. You want someone who can act as a team player, and streamline your success. You want someone who has your best interest at heart and a long-term relationship. Not someone trying to make a quick buck, and then move on to the next business. 

At JIT, we bring experience, teamwork, success, and your best interest to everything we do for your organization. We are needles in the haystack.  

Below are six ways that JIT has supported other consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands with our expert consulting.

How an expert consultant can support your consumer packaged goods brand

#1: We Are “Go To” Expert Consultant 

If you’re looking for an expert to help you find the right supplier, contract manufacturer or third-party services (such as labelling or testing), look no further. We’ve supported consumer packaged goods brands from start to finish.

We’ve worked with brands who don’t know what to ask for or how much something should cost. We’ve helped our clients understand what they should expect to get the most out of any kind of engagement. Often, we’ve been the go-to expert for every question about sourcing, packaging, product development, compliance, export, import, and beyond. 

We’ve also supported our previous clients with achieving their desired sustainability standards in operations, packaging, and more. 

When we haven’t had an expert that was a great fit for a need, instead of turning a client away, we went out and found the right expert. We’re happy to go the extra mile for our clients to ensure they have what they need. 

We act as a one-stop shop to help CPG brands with any need when it comes to operations. 

#2: We Help Start Grocery Delivery Services from Scratch

The grocery landscape is a complicated one. Adding deliveries on top of that? That’s akin to mixing six puzzles together and then trying to build each puzzle one by one. But, that’s just the kind of project our experts have experience with. 

Grocery store margins are thin, between 1% to 3%. Which means the better your execution, and the more experienced your expert, the better your return on investment. And let’s not forget the product safety and quality programs that need to be in place in these services.

In the past, we’ve helped pick the right fulfilment locations, streamlined warehousing and distribution, and guided organizations through the necessary registration and licensing. We’ve assisted our clients through the beginning stages of their grocery delivery service by helping them develop and design best practices in product safety, freshness and safe handling of products. 

Then, once they were ready to hire, we participated in their talent selection and interviews to help our client get the right people on their team. 

Our experts developed processes and foundations to expedite our client’s success in the grocery delivery space. 

#3: We are Private Label Experts & Support Our Clients in Launching New Brands and Products 

Sometimes launching a private label can feel overly complicated, or even impossible. If the product sourcing & development doesn’t intimidate you, there’s a good chance the packaging and labeling may. 

We’ve helped our clients determine the risks, find manufacturers, and come up with contracts, develop products, and packaging. Because we’ve been there, and worked on big complicated projects like these, we can make something that feels challenging, smooth and streamlined.

We’ve supported private label brands to launch products in a broad range of categories from batteries to food, supplements, cosmetics over the counter drugs, and household essentials. When navigating tricky waters with our private label clients, we’ve become an indispensable limb for managing their execution. 


consumer packaged goods brands consulting

#4: We Help Brand Accelerators and Venture Companies Make the Right Acquisition Decisions and Growth their Brands 

60% of corporate accelerators fail within the first two years – the odds are tipped against brand accelerators. But, working with experts, in our experience, can help increase the odds. 

We’ve worked with brand accelerators all throughout the accelerator process. We’ve supported teams with the brand and foundation of the organization. We’ve examined what’s fixable, and what things should be eliminated. We’ve also guided our clients through what they should avoid to save them time and money. 

We’ve provided support with acquisition assessments and have created a checklist for what to look for. In the accelerator field, we’ve worked with over-the-counter drugs, textiles, food, cosmetics, appliances, and more. 

And, once our clients complete a purchase, we’ve supported them as they grew their new business. Our goal is always to get our brand accelerators clients past those first two years, and beyond!

#5: Our Expert Consultants Help our Clients with Sourcing & Contract Manufacturing 

Your manufacturing line can make or break your organization. Many brilliant business owners don’t know where to start when it comes to the manufacturing aspect of their business. Sometimes finding the right manufacturers means finding new technologies. Other times, it means working with manufacturers to create the technologies you need. 

We’ve helped organizations find the right manufacturers and suppliers. We’ve done the work to ensure everything is working as it should. We’ve also assisted our clients with 3rd party certifications. 

Since we’re on the journey with our clients, we manage performance and relationships, and make adjustments and improvements on behalf of our client’s business.

#6: We Help Consumer Packaged Goods Brands with Risk-Based Decision Making 

Sometimes it’s hard to know whether you should or shouldn’t take a risk. While you may have a gut feeling that leads you, there’s little that replaces experiences when it comes to determining whether or not to take a risk. 

We’ve helped brands make decisions to reduce their risk. Between all our experts, we have decades of experience. We’ve provided our clients with logical risk-based decisions that can maximize opportunities. 

Calculated risks are often worth it – if you’re working with an expert who knows what they’re doing.

work with an expert consultant in the consumer packaged goods field

Our JIT Experts are the Needles You’ve Been Looking For 

From negotiations to operations, and ideation to commercialization, we’re a scrappy yet professional organization that finds red tape as cumbersome as you do. We can act quickly, make decisions, and provide support as fast as is needed given our nimble team. 

If there’s something that feels missing in your business, there’s a good chance there’s a JIT expert who’s ready to fill it, as they’ve done for our previous clients. The sooner you loop us in, the better. 

Head to our contact form to start the conversation on how we can help your consumer package brand in a similar fashion to our previous clients.

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JIT Experts Hive specializes in just-in-time business consulting services for companies in the retail and CPG industries.

We go beyond traditional consulting by actively driving your success in private label and DTC retail. Our customizable solutions and adaptable expertise will help you stay ahead of industry changes and bring your business goals to life.

Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, serving clients worldwide.

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