Product Development

So you have an idea, a formula, or even samples. What’s next? If you’ve never developed a product before, you may think you’re ready to start production. 

But first, there are several questions to answer:

  • Will your product do what it claims to? Does it actually work?
  • Do you need to test the product for safety and functionality? 
  • Is it manufacturable? 
  • What would the shelf life be? 
  • How should it be stored and transported?  
  • What claims can you make? Do you need to tweak the product to be able to make these claims?

Many think these questions come after the product is developed. If that’s you, get ready for a surprise! If you wait until after the fact, you’ll end up reworking your product several times – and wasting countless hours, dollars, and materials.

At JIT Experts Hive, we help you avoid these unnecessary costs by partnering with you when it counts.

Our Experts:

Our experts have proven success when it comes to product development. We will:

  • Listen to you and understand how you want your product to look, feel, function, and perform
  • Partner with you on developing your idea for mass production and delivery
  • Assist you in choosing your marketing claims and substantiation
  • Advise you on what tests and validations need to perform and figure out how to do them in the most cost-effective way
  • Help you design quality and safety into your product in a way that is manufacturable and repeatable

Whether you’re creating your first product or you want to improve an existing one, we’re here to help. Our experts specialize in everything from formulation to design improvements to testing needs (analytical, consumer use tests, shelf life, etc.). We want to help you create a product that is manufacturable, safe, and of high quality.

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JIT Experts Hive specializes in just-in-time business consulting services for companies in the retail and CPG industries.

We go beyond traditional consulting by actively driving your success in private label and DTC retail. Our customizable solutions and adaptable expertise will help you stay ahead of industry changes and bring your business goals to life.

Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, serving clients worldwide.

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